
The official photo blog of J. David Buerk Photography.

Minotaur I / ORS-3

I'm not entirely sure how, but my photos of the Minotaur I / ORS-3 launching from Wallops Island, Virginia tonight got picked up by meteorologists in North Carolina, and are enjoying a small bit of virality on the Interwebz  this evening. Minotaur I was a quick mover; much faster and smaller than the LADEE launch I previously captured from the same position, ~200 miles from the launch site.

Since some are curious, photos were taken with a Canon 1D X at 400mm, f/5.6, 1/30th, ISO 102,400 at a range of ~200 miles from the launch site.

Goodnight Moon: Fall of 2013

This photo shows an aircraft on approach to Dulles in the foreground, with Minotaur I in the background.

Goodnight Moon: Fall of 2013